Friday, March 23, 2012

Now for a limited time only, Save Some Green with FREE Shipping!

Free Priority Shipping for a limited time only!
designer handbags sale
Free Shipping to Every Address in the United States-including Alaska and Hawaii!
Saturday and residential deliveries at no extra charge!

Friday, March 16, 2012

KONY 2012

The most viral video in history exploded onto the national scene on March 5th and captivated people (including us!) for 30 minutes, reaching 100 million views in just six days. In the world we live in today, it pays to be technologically savvy. Add in a passionate and attractive speaker (and his super cute kid!) going up against a war criminal in Africa and you’ve created the picture perfect charitable organization. If all charities called the world to action like the Kony 2012 campaign hitting the world right now, charitable giving would seem like a more manageable idea in a nation plagued with recession.

What amazes us most about this video is how it could be so long — really a “short film” — and keep people watching the entire time. In a world of 140 character news bulletins (aka tweets) and the decline of long form news, this 30 minute video had most people glued to their computer through the end. Whether you were alerted by Twitter or Google trending or by world of mouth or local or national news, you’ve undoubtedly heard of this movement by now and how it has young people everywhere joining together and supporting a cause — whether by action or monetary donation. The Invisible Children movement calls first for awareness. Secondly, it encourages people to purchase “action packs ” including two Kony 2012 bracelets, an action guide, posters, buttons, and a t-shirt for $30. Or, donate a few dollars a month, and you get an action kit for free. If you haven’t seen it, check it out below:

Read more:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Save Some Green with FREE Shipping!

Now for a limited time only, $ave $ome Green with FREE Shipping!*

Free Shipping

Free Priority Shipping through St. Patrick's Day weekend!
Free Shipping to Every Address in the United States-including Alaska and Hawaii, through March 18, 2012!
Saturday and residential deliveries at no extra charge!
  1. Checkout before 11:59 pm CST March 18, 2012.
  2. Ship your items to a single U.S. address.
  3. Select "Free Priority Shipping" as your shipping method.
  4. Your order ships within 24 hours for free shipping via United States Postal Service, Priority Mail.
  5. Place your order, and enjoy the free shipping!
The Fine Print
  • Applies only to orders, excluding gift-wrap charges (and taxes - for Wisconsin shipments only).
  • Applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii.
  • May be used in conjunction with a promotional code!
After Promotion Ends (3/19/2012): Standard Shipping Rates for U.S. Deliveries returns.
Handbags4Hunger is now offering a Google Checkout $10 off Promo promotion on EVERY order!
Get $10.00 off purchases of $30.00 or more (before shipping and tax) with Google Checkout.
Now for important notes:
  • This promotion is exclusive to Google Checkout. You must use Google Checkout to enjoy this offer.
  • Limit 1 per person. No resale. It's a one-time user offer - you can only use this promotion once.
  • Your order must at least be $30 before shipping and taxes. It's one of the few promotions that can be combined with any other promotion we have!
  • Example:
    We have a free shipping offer for orders using Standard Shipping.
    So, if your order is at least $30, that means you get free shipping (unless you are rush shipping your order), PLUS you also qualify for the additional $10 off your order!
  • Finally, this offer is good through March 31, 2012 - 10:00 PM Central.

Free Shipping

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have received one or more of the products or services mentioned in various blog posts for a discount or free in exchange for my unbiased review. I will always give my honest opinion regardless of any compensation received. Some posts may contain affiliate links. When you click on those links to make your purchases, I receive compensation at no extra cost to you. I love it when you do that. ;) So thank you!

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