Monday, December 28, 2009

No More Winter Please!

Laid up at home with a strained muscle in my hip. Hobbling around yelling "OW!!!" between applying ice packs and the heating pad, and chiropractor visit, where I almost fell off the table in excruciating  pain today. 

Ho Ho Ho! 

No More Shoveling Snow! PUH-LEASE.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of Handbags4Hunger's shoppers, friends and followers!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'The Way We Get By' looks into lives of society's overlooked | Movie Reviews

I loved this movie. Whether you're pro-war or anti-war, seeing the sacrifice made by our troops and those who unfailingly cease to greet them is both unforgettable and undeniable.

'The Way We Get By' looks into lives of society's overlooked | Movie Reviews | Idaho Statesman

Friday, December 4, 2009

Here is a relatively new charity we are thinking of sponsoring, through the sales on Handbags4Hunger. Tell us what do you think?

charity: water
Right now, almost a billion people on the planet don't have access to safe, clean drinking water. That's one in eight of us.

charity: water is a non profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations. We give 100% of the money raised to direct project costs, funding sustainable clean water solutions in areas of greatest need. Just $20 can give one person in a developing nation clean water for 20 years.

Learn how you can help here >

I've Got to Twitter About This

Detached, bite sized, yippity yap! Welcome to the Twittosphere. Don't you Twitterstand? You could become a Twitterlebrity! Like these Twits. 

But is Twitter really just a place for people with no friends? 

Let the Blood Bath Begin! EBay and Craigslist battle heads to court | Reuters

Why did this story make me smile? Maybe I just  love a good David and Goliath battle. I'm betting my money on Craigslist. What about you?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thank you for your purchase Lynn M!

An honor eCard has been sent from Lisa Stadtmueller ( to Lynn M.
Subject: A gift was made in your honor to Feeding America

A gift was made in your honor to Feeding America

Dear Lynn
Thank you for your purchase of the Coach bag yesterday.
It will be shipping out today via Priority Mail.

A donation to Feeding America was also made in your honor
for $15, enough to buy 3 bags of groceries.

We appreciate you as a customer. Please come back soon!
Lisa Stadtmueller
Feeding America

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mom Knows Best

OK it's official. I'm losing it. Since mom died 3 weeks ago, I've completely forgotten everything she ever taught me. No really. It's all gone.

Or so it seems today. Actually it started a couple of days ago. My five-year old boy asked me wistfully (as he has been doing for years now) "Can I see your ring momma?" with that shy little smile so endearing to me.

Now up until this point my answer has always been, "Sure you can look at it, see?" as I offer my hand to him, knowing full-well that's not what he meant.

"No momma, can you take it off so I can see it?" he asks (forgetting I've said no 100 times before)....

But this time it was different. I remember being a little girl asking my mother the exact same thing, and her response always being the same - "you can look at it but I'm not taking it off for you...because it's special." or, "because my finger swelled and I can't take it off anymore"...etc.

This time I said what the heck, we're sitting together on the couch and I'll watch him like a hawk. Why not break with tradition, I mean it always hurt my feelings (a little) when mom wouldn't let me hold her ring. So I watched in amusement as his eyes lit up as I handed the ring to him, and he oh so carefully took it with his stubby little boy fingers and held it so gently in the palm of his hand, like a baby bird, turning it this way then that, marveling at how "it's SO SPARK-ely momma!"

I smiled and gave him a minute to take it all in, then quietly took it back from him, and promptly put it back on. Then I looked at my hand and there it was: the innocent little question that has now turned into a full blown panic attack -- which way does it go on?

You see, my wedding "ring" consists of 2 rings - the diamond solitaire "engagement ring", along with the "wedding band" - forever joined together. So there's a right way and a wrong way to wear it - according to mom that is.

She always told me (as her wedding ring was like mine) - "You have to wear the ring so that the (insert "wedding band" or "engagement ring" here) goes on first, so it's closest to your heart."

And that's the way I've worn mine for the past 8 years, just as she did for 49 years. Did I mention mom died on our wedding anniversary, October 27th? Of course my sister told me it was the 28th, in her big sisterly way of trying to soften the blow as she called me at 9 in the morning on October 28th to tell me the bad news: "mom died."
"Oh no, when?" was my response.

"Uh - umm . . . . well - the hospital called me at 3:30 this morning to tell me, but I'm not sure what time they found her - uh - dead."

And I pressed her further - "Well what time did you see her last? How was she? What did the nurse say? When was the last time they checked her?" in a rapid-fire attack barely allowing her to answer (my lawyer-side emerging in it's ugly head).....

"Well WHY DOES IT MATTER?" she asks me testily, knowing full well (or not) why I'm so concerned.

"Well -- I ah, I just - want to know if mom died on my wedding anniversary." I said.

"Oh." came her response....then thinking quickly, as I've known my big sister to do since I was old enough to talk and understand - she started to think of what to say to make me feel better, without stretching the truth TOO much, but enough to ease my pain. To somehow protect me from the awful truth.

Like the time I was 6, and she was 12, and it was late one night after we'd gone to bed, in the bedroom we shared for years - and she quietly sneaked out of our room to hunch at the top of the stairs, eavesdropping on what was a very unexpected late night visit from my grandfather, with mom and dad in the kitchen, in hushed voices....why was grandpa over so late? Why were all the lights on? Why were they all talking so low?

Then we heard my father utter in a firm tone "IT'S DEAD PA - PUT IT DOWN"....and the knots in my little stomach tightened.

Laurie stayed there another minute listening then finally tip-toed downstairs to confirm the news, then came back up sadly but wouldn't tell me right away. I kept bugging her like the little pipsqueak I was, "What is it Laurie? What's goin on? What happened Laurie? Why is grandpa here? Huh?"

And finally in a choked voice she told me, "We don't have a cat anymore" explaining that grandpa had found Smokey dead in the alley between our houses. She came over and sat on the edge of my bed while I cried, keeping strong for me as she always did - never letting me hear her cry. Then brought me over to the window where we silently watched dad bury Smokey in the backyard, in the dark.

Fast forward 41 years and she's back in Big Sister mode - "Well I'm SURE -- ah -- it was the 28th."

Me: "Why."

Laurie: "Because - I don't know! I left her at 6 last night (on the 27th) and she was OK....and they didn't call me until 3:30 this morning....but the nurse said they had to wait for the Coroner to get there and that took a while so I'm not sure when she died. I don't know, I was asleep when they called! I've been up since 3:30 this morning! It's the 28th I'm sure. I'm SURE."

As if stressing it makes it so.

Me "Well - OK" . . . (what can you do).

Her "I'll find out when I get the death certificate, what does it matter now".

And I haven't seen the certificate yet, (and probably never will) but the date she put on mom's obituary is the 28th. I guess it doesn't matter that much. She's gone either way.

Fast forward to today. Ever since I took my wedding ring off to show Cole, I'm not sure how to wear it. When I first put it back on I looked down at my hand and said "WAIT! That's not RIGHT - IS IT?" As if a 5-year old would know such a thing.

"Grandma always said you have to wear it with a certain side closest to your heart" I explained. As if that would help him figure it out for me.

First I wear it with the diamond ring going on first. Then it suddenly looks awful to me and I hastily switch it so that the band is closest to my heart - "the wedding band should go closest to your heart" Mom said. Or was it the other way around? And now I can't ask her anymore, because she's dead. And no one else will know this -- if I ask a bunch of people I'm sure to get varying responses. OH NO WHAT WILL I DO?

And no matter which way I've been wearing it, I'm still not sure for 2 days now ..... What did mom tell me? What did her voice sound like? Her laugh? Her favorite pet names for me? What if this is just the beginning? What if I forget EVERYTHING ABOUT HER!??!

And so the mourning process goes....some mornings better than others. So off I go to pour myself another cup of coffee, hoping this one will somehow jog the memory loose...before I start Googling the answer that I'm sure to doubt. Because only MY MOM knows best. And now she's - gone.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Shameless Plug For Our Online Broker - $25 for trying

We really like investing with ShareBuilder because they make it easy and affordable for everybody. There's no account minimum and no inactivity fees. Get $25 when you start investing (and we'll get some investing credits). And their website is super easy to navigate. And once you use up your $25, it's only $4 a trade. Pretty sweet!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

OK this is the first day back at work since Mom died. It was a long trip to bury her but I'm glad she's finally at peace now and no longer in any pain.

As for what I've accomplished so far this morning, it's a nifty little online program I found to animate photos - use it for an avatar, etc:

If you only knew how much Halloween candy I ate before you got up for breakfast today!

OK ONE MORE!! I can't resist:

Never has there been a greater blessing in my  life than my  little boy....who is now READING at age 5! And still loves to cuddle momma.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Nina Paonessa
Locust Grove, VA
March 6, 1924 - October 28, 2009

Services on: Monday, November 2, 2009 at M.J. Colucci & Son Niagara Funeral Chapel
2730 Military Road
Niagara Falls, New York 14304
Phone: (716) 298-1800

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Great Funding Opportunity for Start-ups

By The Entrepreneur School Blog 
Learn How to Start a Business: 

We have pointed out the horrible nature of angel investing help organizations, those guys that charge you $500 to $5,000 for advice on how to raise angel money and then introductions to some angels.  These groups almost never help land funds, and the unwitting entrepreneur can spend lots of time and money chasing a dream.

So today, I wanted to tell you about a new, exciting, safe way to raise funds.  This method probably wont be useful to raise $100,000, but if you need $10,000 or so, it would be a great bet for you.  Fred Anderson, from Atlanta, was interested in starting a car inspection center.  He tried banks and other traditional outlets, but was not able to find the resources.  So, he placed an ad on and soon had raised the needed $7,000 from almost 200 investors in 15 countries. was designed to provide micro-financing for super-small businesses in poor countries like India.  You can go on Kiva, see listings of hundreds of small businesses around the world, and invest in companies that appeal to you.  You invest as much or as little as you wish, even just $25.  And, incredibly, the default rate on loans like this is very small, usually less than 2%.  Its a great way to help the poor and a powerful website.  The site now allows U.S. based firms to list their opportunities too, which is how Fred was able to get involved.  If you want to start a small business here in the U.S., we recommend giving kiva a try……
Note from Lisa:
Or if you would like a better way to invest your money for a good cause, instead of having it sit in a bank savings account earning next to nothing, this could be a great alternative!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

For Nina Paonessa, My Mother

Perhaps God is a poet
who writes with words
of flesh and bone and leaf and flower.
Every hour of every day,
words pour out of the poet's heart,
and every word is beautiful
and true and worth the telling.
And when each poem is perfect,
and there is no more which ought to be said,
the poet gently takes the words
back into his heart,
where they are safe forever...
and then begins again.
             author unknown

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fight hunger, get inspired on World Food Day USA

What did you to to be an inspiration for World Food Day? In case you missed it, Friday, Oct. 16 was World Food Day USAThe worldwide event is designed to increase awareness and understanding, and is a call to action to alleviate world hunger. It is observed today in recognition of the found of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1945. The first World Food Day was in 1981. The day is sponsored by 450 national, private voluntary organizations in the U.S. today.

WFD planning is done at the community level. Individual groups can hold a special event, but the most successful observances happen when organizers work together with affiliates of national sponsors. Local coalitions, representing the diversity of national sponsors, can share ideas that will involve schools, businesses, worship centers, government offices, service groups, the media, etc.

On this World Food Day 2009, with the theme Achieving Food Security in Times of Crisis, the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP), as part of the Farmers ‘Fighting Poverty program,’ calls upon governments and funding agencies for a major effort to invest in farmers’ organizations in developing countries. The future of food security hangs in the balance. The 20 billion dollar agricultural investments promised by the G-8 could lead to global food security if farmers’ organizations are the focus of the resources. Read more here...

The 2009 WFDUSA is the 29th observance of the day. The challenge is to coordinate community planning and increase awareness. What are you doing to observe WFDUSA? Please leave your comments below.
For more:

Want to read more from this author? Check out the Dallas Day Trips blog also by Lea Lashley.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One Last Chance for Hunger Action Month!

Feeding America - Formerly Known as America's Second Harvest - Hunger Advocate
Hunger Action Month
Total Actions To Date:
Total Minutes Generated:
Food Bank Competition Standings:
Food Bank of South Jersey
Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee
Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

Feeding America discusses the Economic Impact Survey on Good Morning America.  Watch Now!

Visit Feeding America to read the complete Economic Impact Survey.
Dear Bloggers,
Hunger Action Month has been a huge success!  As of today, hunger advocates across the country have taken 13922 actions and accumulated 108635 minutes in support of Child Nutrition Reauthorization.  But Hunger Action Month isn’t over yet.
Hunger advocates can make their minutes add up for hunger before we declare the winners of the Food Bank Competition!
Today’s Hunger Challenge:
Take action today to help us reach 110,000 total minutes for Hunger Action Month!
What are some quick and easy things you can do today to fight hunger?

Check Out the Food Bank Competition!
Have you checked your food bank’s most recent numbers?  How many minutes can you add to the total tally?  Visit Hunger Action Month advocacy headquarters and the Food Bank Competition page will show your local food bank’s current numbers.
Don’t forget—every action you take adds minutes to your food bank’s total.  Your actions today could help them win a truckload of food from Kraft Foods!
As always, please be respectful of other advocates and your elected officials as you initiate your actions, and help us maintain the integrity of the competition.  While we want to generate a lot of communications, remember that genuine, individual actions will have a much greater impact…and that’s really the point.  To that end, we ask that you register at the Hunger Action Center’s HAM headquarters only once per individual, and that you make each action a real one—we will be tracking for anomalies and duplicate memberships.
Feeding America | One Constitution Ave, NE Suite 200 | Washington, DC 20002-5655

Friday, September 25, 2009

Share Hunger Action Month on other sites

Feeding America's Hunger Action Month
Share Hunger Action Month on other sites



When one person speaks out against hunger, an interesting thing happens… That one person tells a few friends, and they tell a few more, and soon it spreads through a neighborhood, a town, and eventually a nation. And it all starts with just one voice.

Spread the word!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Mercury Marine stays in Wisconsin — but at what cost?

Here is a compelling OpEd piece written by the lead union negotiator for Mercury Marine in Fond du Lac, WI, who resigned during the recent debacle over moving to Oklahoma vs. lowering wages/benefits. 

I am not taking sides here, but the writer makes some excellent points. It is also the only published article that I could find taking the workers' side. I find that very curious.

Friday, September 18, 2009

eBay takes a step backwards - quietly expanding the adcommerce system to off-eBay advertisers

By: President and CEO of ChannelAdvisor, Scot Wingo

.........It looks like eBay is now looking to expand their AdCommerce program to allow 'off eBay' ads via into AdCommerce.The way I imagine this would work:
  1. Retailer specifies which of their products they want to advertise
  2. Retailer specifies a CPC for the program or maybe even at the product level
  3. eBay shows off-eBay ads on search result pages.
As stated in the title, I think this is a big step BACKWARDS for eBay.  We were excited to see them announce they were taking the banner page off of SERPs and some of the irrelevency caused by the featured program.  But here we are a short time later seeing them seemingly talking out of both sides of their mouth and not only increasing a program that decreases the relevancy of the search results, but now will also include taking buyers off eBay!

eBay needs to do some soul searching and decide what they want to be when they grow up - transactional or advertising (cpc/cpm) based?  Do they want to truly show the most relevent products or do they want to focus on the pure short-term economics?
Stay tuned
We'll be on the lookout for more information about this program, specifically:
  1. Is there closed-loop tracking available?
  2. What is the ROI?  
  3. Is this actually a cheaper way to sell on eBay than selling direct?   
 program to allow 'off eBay' ads via into AdCommerce....

Tory Johnson Shares Ten Signs of Work-From-Home Scams - ABC News

Tory Johnson Shares Ten Signs of Work-From-Home Scams - ABC News

Shared via AddThis

Sunday, August 23, 2009

eBay Selling Drops as Competing Auction Sites Heat Up

As the latest auction site count shows, eBay's market share is continuing to drop, as rival sites gain more and more users. The biggest rival to date has been eBid with a current count of 2,404,771 listings, followed by Bonanzle and eCrater. The top 10 are shown below.

Auction site count (updates every hour)
Change /
As of
eBayview charts
-74729 auction listing down from yesterday
August 23, 2009 11:06 am
eBidview charts
August 23, 2009 11:07 am
Bonanzleview charts
2462 auction listing down from yesterday
August 23, 2009 11:08 am
eCraterview charts
5070 auction listing down from yesterday
August 23, 2009 11:11 am
CQoutview charts
-191 auction listing down from yesterday
August 23, 2009 11:05 am
blujayview charts
9848 auction listing down from yesterday
August 23, 2009 11:03 am
buyitsellitview charts
-7297 auction listing down from yesterday
August 23, 2009 11:04 am
USiFFview charts
August 23, 2009 11:20 am
OnlineAuctionview charts
463 auction listing down from yesterday
August 23, 2009 7:36 am
SpecialistAuctionsview charts
-3141 auction listing down from yesterday
August 23, 2009 11:17 am

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Amazon Buys Zappos! Breaking News

Holy Cow! This is a game changer folks! Amazon just announced they are buying See video w/Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos comments here

See email sent to all Zappos employees from Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh.

Interesting points made by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos:

1. Obsess over customers, NOT competitors. Start w/customers and work backwards.

2. Invent! Anytime a problem comes up, never accept "either or" thinking. Come up with a solution that gets both things. You can invent your way out of any box if you believe that you can. Invent on behalf of customers. Listen to customers. They won't tell you everything. Focus on invention. Ex. Kindle, elastic Ec2 cloud.

3. Think long term. Critical! It's much rarer than you might think. Most initiatives may pay dividends to customers right away, but take 5-7 years to pay back company.
Also allow willingness to be misunderstood. Tolerate it. Regarding any new inventions, if we think we're right then we continue, if we are criticized about something and we're wrong we change it, we fix it. Never buckle to standard pressure that comes with short term thinking. Think long term.

4. It's always day 1.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sometimes You Just Need a Good Laugh

When someone close to you gets sick, it can be very emotionally and physically draining....that's why I just had to share a silly video I came across on YouTube today. Anyone who's ever had a cat that misbehaved by scratching furniture (don't they all?) will appreciate this.

Sometimes you just need a good laugh. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Working on a New Store front and We're on YouNoodle now!

YouNoodle, the online platform for the global entrepreneurial community, has made public the largest-ever dynamic directory of active startup companies, compiled from its own proprietary tracking technology, rapidly-growing community, and several leading startup data partners.

Online selling made easy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Show Your Helping Hand

Show Your Helping Hand

Beyonce is using her star status to help fight hunger

Beyonce is using her star status to help fight hunger

Beyonce supports hunger charity The singer Beyonce launched the Show Your Helping Hand campaign at a press conference in New York, where Beyonce announced her partnership with General Mills Hamburger Helper, and her (Beyonce) aim to help the Feeding America organisation deliver millions of meals to local food charities.Beyonce went on: "Our goal is to help Feeding America feed more than 3.5 million meals to food banks."

Beyonce - who kicked off her I Am Sasha Fierce US tour at Madison Square Garden - Beyonce went on: "Our goal is to help Feeding America feed more than 3.5 million meals to food banks." said in the campaign video: "In America, one in eight people struggle with hunger - I'm showing my helping hand by partnering with Hamburger Helper."
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have received one or more of the products or services mentioned in various blog posts for a discount or free in exchange for my unbiased review. I will always give my honest opinion regardless of any compensation received. Some posts may contain affiliate links. When you click on those links to make your purchases, I receive compensation at no extra cost to you. I love it when you do that. ;) So thank you!

Handbags4Hunger on Crunchbase